Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We Really Are Still Here and We are Together!

Dear Friends and Family,

I am sorry to have been absent for so long. I posted right before we left for India to bring Meena home. Then while we were in India, I was not able to access my blog. I tried to put some updates on Facebook and I hope you were able to see those. Tonight I am going to write about how things are going since we've been home and then I want to go backwards and post about somethings that happened while we were in India.

Our trip home from India was a safe one but definitely not a fun one! Despite my fears, I was assured by the doctor in India that Meena did not have an ear infection. I was cautiously optimistic that he was correct, but he was not! Meena was very sick the entire flight home. She ran a HIGH fever off and on and had tummy troubles that required more than frequent trips to the bathroom. In between trips to the bathroom and getting her to drink a little water, she slept the entire time! I felt so helpless. By the time we reached Chicago, we were all done! She was so tired that she almost fell asleep while we had to stand in line for 2 hours at Immigration! She was so pitiful. Then we stopped at a sit down restaurant to get something to eat and she fell asleep waiting for the food. Poor lovie! She woke up in time to be pushed kicking and screaming through the airport in her stroller(which she hated and I will tell you more about later)at 10:00 PM. Talk about getting attention! By the time we left for Charlotte, I was not feeling well either. I had not slept as much as the previous trip and was exhausted. We arrived at the Charlotte airport and were greeted by Connor and some friends. It was good to be home!

It is hard to believe we have been home for 4 weeks already! It feels like she has always been a part of our family. Connor and Meena are true siblings, fights and all. They really have lots of similar interests and CAN play well together..........

My time at home has rapidly come to an end. :( We have spent the majority of our days going to Dr. appts. She has had way too many needles already. She has been to the pediatrician about 6 times, the heart doctor, the heart surgeon, and the ENT/Audiologist 2 times. We went to the ENT yesterday to be told that Meena is profoundly deaf. We are not sure yet if hearing aids will help her. She was complaining that her left ear was hurting while we were there but the Dr. said she just had fluid. By last night, she wouldn't even let you touch the outside of her ear. So I made a sick visit today and she has another infection! As for her heart, she has been diagnosed with a PDA-patent ductus arteriosus which will require surgery. This is scheduled for Nov.1 and we will be in the hospital for one night. I will update you more about this at a later date.

I have lots more to tell you about medicals and all the wonderful things she is learning but both of the kids need to get into bed. I will come back soon to share more. Lots to be thankful for: God, family, and supportive friends! Thank you........

PS Make sure you look at the pics on my Facebook.

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