Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Blessing From Above!!

Today I received a wonderful blessing. I was awarded a $3500 grant from an organization called "A Child Waits"!!! This money comes just as I am getting ready to travel and desperately needed money to pay in- country fees for Meena.  God is so good to provide what we need at the right time.

I am anxious to have my little girl in my arms for good!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Date is Set.....

Airplane tickets have been purchased and Linda and myself will be leaving Charlotte on Sept. 2 to arrive in India on Sept 4th! We will pick Meena up on Sept 4th and fly to Delhi on the same day. It is going to be a long trip for us adults. I ask for prayer for strength and energy to sustain us to Delhi. We will essentially be flying for 3 days. We will stay in Delhi until the 10th to get her medical and visa at the US embassy there. We added an extra day in case something gets delayed. (Don't know why I would think something like that would happen in India!!! HeHe) I am apprehensive about leaving Connor again. I just want Meena home and our new "normal" to begin. My parents will be coming to help with Connor. I am glad that I will be here for his transition into 1st grade. His teacher and others at school are aware of our situation so hopefully he will do ok. Connor is not talking about his sister much these days. I know he is dealing with the change and it will be a big change from being an only (spoiled) child to having a sibling. Six years is a long time to have mommy's sole attention. I know that God has gone ahead of me in this journey and he is faithful to carry me through it. So thankful for this knowledge!!! I will update again if anything changes and will keep you posted while we are in India. I appreciate your prayers for a safe journey:)  Colleen

Monday, August 13, 2012

Meena's Coming Home!!!!

Exciting times are happening in our family! Summer is quickly coming to a close. I have not gotten half of the things completed on my list for getting the house ready and....Meena is coming home :)  I start back to work this Thursday and Connor starts back to school in two weeks! I can't believe he will be in first grade and he will have his sister home!!! I received the news that Meena's passport has arrived and once Sept 3rd passes, I can reenter India.........I'm so excited! The Social Worker wants me to arrive on the 4th but it may have to be the 10th. I will let you know when everything is set. I will be gone for about 6 days total. Please pray that all the details come together and we all arrive home in the USA safely. I cannot wait for everyone to meet my Meena...........With Gratitude, Colleen