Friday, June 29, 2012

We arrived safely and got a big surprise!

After a really long long plane ride, we finally arrived in India. We were picked up at the airport by a driver from the hotel and made the 40 min drive through a crazy busy city. We got settled in and took a nap. We were awoken by my social worker asking if I wanted to go and get Meena today! Of course I said yes and within an hour and a half I was at the orphanage meeting my new daughter!!! What an exciting and pleasant surprise. It took some assuring on my social workers part assuring them that I did not need someone from the orphanage to come with me. After an hour and a half we were on the road with Meena. Her eyes were wide open and she didn't even want to hug her caretakers good bye! She clung to me with all her might! We came back to the hotel, played with some books and sign cards. she has already signed 8 words independently! It has been amazing to see how smart she is! What she doesn't know how to tell you, she gestures. Her caretakers seemed to really care about the children and the children that I met were very social. I am very happy with how the bonding process is going! I am trying to get her to sleep now. She just keeps looking around and loves her new soft blankie. Please continue to pray for the next few days to be a great experience for both Meena and myself. Also, please pray that Connor continues to be strong with me gone. He has had some rough nights and it breaks my heart to see him cry at night. My parents seem to be hanging in there, but I am sure my dad could use some extra prayer for patience with Connor. He has been going to day camp during the day so that keeps him busy and makes him tired at the end of the day! I will blog more tomorrow and send some pics. It is rough getting your body used to all the time changes and the long plane rides. I am tired and need to shut off the light so Meena will go to sleep. Lots to be thankful for and feeling very blessed.........Colleen

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Late last night I got the call that my court date is set again! Court date is scheduled for July 3. We need to be there by July 30 in the AM to go see Meena. We are leaving Charlotte on Wed afternoon in order to arrive on time. It has been a crazy long day and I am starting to let the excitement of meeting Meena set in!!! Lots more to do but at least the travel arrangements have been made. I will update if I can while we are there. I am so grateful to God for allowing me to become this sweet little girl's mommy! Thanking you in advance for your prayers for safety in travel.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Travel Update

The court date has been changed! Now it will hopefully be the first week in July. It's so confusing dealing with a foreign government:( I cannot and will not understand how they make decisions, so maybe, and then no- it may be one week later! On a positive note, I have more time to get all the last minute things completed at my house and pack in a more organized manner. I am disappointed and still pretty numb. The agency is being supportive and they know that I just want my little girl in my arms!!!! I appreciate your continued prayers for peace of mind and patience........Colleen

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I got a phone call from the agency director late this afternoon. She asked me if I was ready to go to India? I said "YES!!!!" and when? She said my court date is the 27th of this month! I said like in less than 2 weeks? YUP!!! Lots of last minute things to do to get ready....... They want me there on the evening of the 25th so I can meet Meena on the 26th and 27th will be spent in court. Then we leave on the 28th to come home. Quick trip, but just like they said. She also confirmed that I cannot re-enter India for 2 months on the visa. So, I pray Meena will come home in Sept. I will update when I know more details. Thank you for all your support and prayers on this journey........Colleen

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fantastic Friday!!!!

Well, Fridays seem to be a good day in my world of adoption. The agency called and said my paperwork had arrived from the Indian lawyer. They sent it overnight and should arrive tomorrow by 10:30 AM. I need to get 4 more copies of my passport photo, sign the papers, get them notarized and back in the mail. All this needs to be done before the banks and FedEx close tomorrow! Please pray that I receive the package early enough to be able to get it all done! The agency wants to be able to check everything and get it sent right back to India on Monday. After this paperwork is received, the court date will be assigned. It may be in June but most likely in July or August-since the courts close down for several weeks in June(go figure!!!). This trip will be a quick one, only 3 days in country. I will get to be with Meena for about 2 days. One day at the orphanage and the second at court. Sounds like it will be a long day! She said to bring lots of snacks for Meena:) I will fly back home on the third day. Due to Indian Visa laws, you are not allowed back into the country for 2 months!!!!! Yes, I looked it up and saw it in black and white. So, it will definitely be the fall before I can go back to bring her home:( This trip will be longer-about 7 days-and mostly spent in Delhi. Even though I am sad that it is taking so long, it is nice to have the end in sight. I can't wait to hold my little girl........