Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happenings with Meena!

Update on medical: Meena has had two more ear infections in the past week. Her pediatrician referred her to a different ENT. The ENT we saw first was not able to piggy-back on her heart surgery(Nov. 1) and she really needs tubes put in as soon as possible. We had the appt. with the new ENT this morning and he is going to try to work Meena into his surgery schedule that day. I hope they are able to schedule it all. I also discussed with the ENT about Meena having an MRI of her head. The MRI will show if she has an auditory nerve and some things about the cochlea. The nurse is supposed to call me after she works on all of this. In the meantime, drops were prescribed for the current ear infection.

Update qon Meena's growth and development: Using one rating scale, Meena has a minimum of 100 expressive signs. She is learning more vocabulary everyday- her strength is animals and food-two of her favorite things.  Speaking of food, Meena continues to love to eat! She has gained 3 lbs!!! Her legs actually have a little "chunk" on them!! So easy to squeeze. Her favorite foods continue to be: chicken, veggies, fruit and nuts, and yogurt (of course lollipops and chocolate are still on the list).  I need to digress a little and tell you a Meena "funny". It was the first week we were home and Meena and Connor were outside riding bikes. Two deer(mom and baby) ran through the back yard. Meena looked up at me with HUGE eyes and said "elephant"!!!!! I said, no Meena you are not in India anymore! We have deer not elephants in our yard.........
Connor has become another favorite in Meena's life. It is so nice to see her look up to him and be concerned when it is time to get him from school. She seems to know when it is time to go get him and will ask "Where Connor?", "Go car get Connor school!" She also likes to copy his behavior that is not "the best", like taking the cushions off the couch and jumping! We do have a trampoline for that purpose but the couch must be better.......

I am still waiting for a meeting to be scheduled with the school system to start her services. The evaluating team is ready, we are waiting for the "downtown" person to agree to a date. I think they will drag it out as long as they can. Until then, I have extended my leave in order to minimize her transitions.

 More to come..........

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